I have the deepest respect for the creatives that don’t feel the need for the lights, camera, action. They are the masters of their craft and can make history without anyone knowing their names - these are the Ghostwriters.
A ghostwriter is an individual or collective employed to compose literary or journalistic pieces, speeches, or other written materials that are purportedly attributed to another individual as the writer.
Autobiographies, memoirs, magazine articles, film, music and other written works are frequently drafted or edited by ghostwriters for celebrities, executives, political leaders, and subjects of current news stories.
I find myself asking, can ghosts die? With the rise of AI it seems this spirited profession could well be on the verge, but who really knows?
Over centuries within mainstream culture along with vital points in history, Ghostwriters have lent their trade to getting the job done..
From blockbuster movies like Star Wars, prize winning literature and chart topping music, artists likes of Kanye, Beyoncé and Britney have all used a Ghostwriter to bring art to life.
Like I said, I admire someone creating magic behind the scenes and not wanting their name in lights, but to make something that resonates.
With AI now being part of everyday life I myself see it on the regular,
again I am not against this, but I do start to miss the human touch and
also feel that touch slipping away!
It’s been reported that former Baywatch star and former activist Pamela Anderson frequently credited and openly admits her books have been “co-written” with a ghostwriter.
For me that’s great and a nod to the craft and a sign of respect, yet i personally feel you can not do that to artificial intelligence. Who’s gonna drink a wine with you to say job well done!
I guess the reason why I question this or even feel to construct a product championing the profession of a Ghostwriter is that I don't want to lose that human touch, a collaborative or solo event in time where we know humans can bring joy or wisdom from the heart into the public eye without even knowing their names.
__Joe x